Develop your own idea into a business model! Agile management techniques for MINT students
Develop your own idea into a business model! Agile management techniques for MINT students
Summer Term
LV-Nr: 14253.8000
Identifying new business ideas and developing them into a business model becomes more and more important for natural scientists in times of faster and faster innovation cycles. This interactive course provides you with agile management techniques that enable you to systematically detect new business ideas and to develop the idea into a business model. The knowledge and techniques learned will help you during your future career as an employee in a larger organization, as an entrepreneur or as a scientist – wherever your career path may take you.
Goal of the Course
- The overall purpose of the course is to provide the students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences with the tools to turn an idea into a feasible business model.
Learning Content
- Design Thinking: What type of problems do our customers have? How can we contribute to solving these problems? How does a potential prototype look like? How can we improve our business idea to specifically cater to our clients’ problems?
- Lean Canvas: How can an idea turn into a business model? What are potential risks in the implementation of the idea and how can they be mitigated?
Organizational Information and Accreditation
- The two-day block seminar is open to all students (Bachelor, Master, PhD) from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
- The course qualifies for 3 ECTS in “Studium Integrale” (Bachelor) or can be listed as an "extracurricular course" on the final diploma (Master).
- Registration takes place via KLIPS. Further information on the course can be found in KLIPS 2.0 (LV-Nummer: 14253.8000). In case of technical problems with the registration for the course or the course examination, please contact the KLIPS team, stating your matriculation number (klips-wiso
- Further information available in Klips 2.0 or refer to Dr. Tim Haarhaus