Here you’ll find information on the current courses, theses, and term papers.
Bachelor Wintersemester
Entrepreneurship (Vorlesung - Ergänzungsmodul)
Der Kurs beschäftigt sich mit Entrepreneurship, sowohl in Bezug auf Neugründungen (Independent Entrepreneurship) als auch in Bezug auf unternehmerisches Handeln bereits etablierter Unternehmen (Corporate Entrepreneurship). Diesem erweiterten Verständnis von Entrepreneurship liegt die Idee zugrunde, dass unternehmerisches Handeln nicht nur während der Gründungsphase, sondern auch während des gesamten Lebenszykluses wichtig für Unternehmen ist. Im Bereich Independent Entrepreneurship werden zunächst relevante Theorien eingeführt. Zudem lernen Studierende, wie sich eine Idee zu einem erfolgreichen Startup entwickeln lässt. Dabei wird ein Schwerpunkt auf praktische Entrepreneurship-Methoden, bspw. Business Model Canvas und Business Plan, gelegt. In dem Bereich Corporate Entrepreneurship wird Studierenden die zentrale Rolle von Unternehmertum auch in bestehenden Unternehmen nahegebracht und anhand kleinerer Case Studies illustriert. Zudem lernen Studierende zentrale Konzepte von Corporate Entrepreneurship anzuwenden.
Das Ziel der Veranstaltung ist es, den Studierenden ein umfassendes Fachwissen in Entrepreneurship zu vermitteln. Zudem sollen Studierende sowohl auf eine mögliche Neugründung wie auch auf unternehmerisches Verhalten in einem bestehenden Unternehmen vorbereitet werden.
The course deals with entrepreneurship, both in relation to start-ups (independent entrepreneurship) and in relation to entrepreneurial activity of already established companies (corporate entrepreneurship). This broader understanding of entrepreneurship is based on the idea that entrepreneurial activity is important for companies not only during the start-up phase, but also throughout their entire life cycle. In Independent Entrepreneurship, relevant theories are first introduced. In addition, students learn how to develop an idea into a successful start-up. Emphasis is placed on practical entrepreneurship methods, e.g. Business Model Canvas and Business Plan. In the area of corporate entrepreneurship, students are introduced to the central role of entrepreneurship in existing companies, which will be illustrated with small case studies. In addition, students learn to apply central concepts of corporate entrepreneurship.
The goal of the course is to provide students with a comprehensive knowledge of entrepreneurship. In addition, students will be prepared for the potential creation of a new venture as well as for entrepreneurial behavior in an existing company.
Dozent/ Lecturer: Dr. Tim Haarhaus
Entrepreneurship (MESS-DSC)
Entrepreneurship encompasses proactive, innovative and risk-taking behavior in the face of uncertainty. In this module, you will obtain a detailed understanding how entrepreneurship helps coping with the duality of a) exploiting new business opportunities and b) flexibly dealing with unforeseen challenges. The course provides you with tools and concepts that allow for mastering the entrepreneurial process - from idea generation, over prototyping to market testing - in the fast changing environment of the digital age.
- Advantages and Disadvantages of start-ups opposed to incumbent firms in reacting to a fast changing business environment
- Entrepreneurship as a mindset
- The opportunity map as a tool to identify, value, select and exploit new business opportunities
- Turning an idea into a business model, prototyping and market-testing
- The Business Plan
- Learn how changes and pressures in the new digital age affect start-ups and incumbents
- Gain a detailed understanding about Corporate Entrepreneurship and Start-up Entrepreneurship
- Learn how to apply entrepreneurship theories, new tools and concepts to systematically generate business ideas in a customer-centric way
- Learn how to apply prototyping to ease successful market entry
- Learn when and under which circumstances a business plan is helpful
Key Benefits
- Develop a sensitivity for the importance of entrepreneurship in today’s fast changing business world
- Understand the differences between Corporate and Start-up Entrepreneurship
- Equipment with a state-of-the-art toolbox that is usable to behave entrepreneurial
Lecturer: Professor Dr. Christian Schwens
For administrative questions, please contact Dr. Tim Haarhaus
Bachelorseminar in Dynamic Capabilities
Bachelorseminar in Dynamic Capabilities
Dieses Seminar richtet sich an Bachelorstudierende der Profilgruppe Unternehmensführung, Organisation und Personal. Das Seminar dient zur Vorbereitung auf das Verfassen einer Bachelorarbeit. Es kann nur einmal belegt werden. Wir empfehlen die Veranstaltung an dem Lehrstuhl zu besuchen, an dem Sie auch Ihre Bachelorarbeit schreiben möchten. Das Seminar findet geblockt statt und besteht aus mehreren Abschnitten.
Weitergehende Informationen finden Sie in KLIPS 2.0 (LV-Nummer: 14253.1102).
Anmerkung: Für die Anmeldung zur Teilnahme müssen Sie sich in KLIPS 2.0 als Studierende/r identifizieren. Die Anmeldung erfolgt über die erste Belegungsphase in KLIPS. Allgemeine Information für die Belegung der Bachelorseminare: Damit Sie in der ersten Belegphase einen Platz für ein Bachelorseminar zugeteilt bekommen, sollten Sie mindestens 8 Belegwünsche nennen. Ansonsten kann es passieren, dass Sie keinen Platz in einem Bachelorseminar erhalten. Die nächste Anmeldemöglichkeit für ein Bachelorseminar wird dann frühestens wieder im nächsten Verfahren im nächsten Semester sein.
Dozent: Dr. Tim Haarhaus
Bachelorseminar Businessplan
In diesem gründungsorientierten Bachelorseminar erarbeiten Studierende in Gruppen eigene Businessideen und entwickeln diese zu Geschäftsmodellen weiter. Teil des Seminars ist das Durchlaufen des Design Thinking Prozesses sowie das Erlernen vom Aufbau und Inhalten eines Businessplans. Die Gründungsideen werden von den Studierenden in Form eines Pitchs präsentiert und als ausformulierte Version (Businessplan) abgegeben. Weitergehende Informationen finden Sie in KLIPS (LV-Nr.: 14253.1103)
Dozentin: Judith Meder
Bachelor Sommersemester
International Strategic Management (Vorlesung)
LV-Nummer 14253.1103
In this lecture, students gain an overview on the international strategic management field. This lecture will be held in English.
Brief Content:
1. Foundations
1.1. Globalizing Business
1.2. Formal Institutions: Economic, Political and Legal Systems
1.3. Informal Institutions: Culture, Religion and Languages
1.4. Firm Resources: Competitiveness and Growth
2. Business across Borders
2.1. Trading Internationally
2.2. Investing Abroad Directly
2.3. Exchange Rates
3. Globalization
3.1. European Integration
3.2. Global Integration and Multilateral Organizations
3.3. Corporate Social Responsibility
4. The Firm on the Global Stage
4.1. Starting International Business
4.2. Foreign Entry Strategies
4.3. Competitive Dynamics
4.4. Building Global Strategies
Lecturer: Carolin Dohle
Bachelorseminar Businessplan 1
In diesem gründungsorientierten Bachelorseminar erarbeiten Studierende in Gruppen eigene Businessideen und entwickeln diese zu Geschäftsmodellen weiter. Teil des Seminars ist das Durchlaufen des Design Thinking Prozesses sowie das Erlernen vom Aufbau und Inhalten eines Businessplans. Die Gründungsideen werden von den Studierenden in Form eines Pitchs präsentiert und als ausformulierte Version (Businessplan) abgegeben.
Weitergehende Informationen finden Sie in KLIPS (LV-Nr.: 14253.1102)
Dozentin: Judith Meder
Bachelorseminar Businessplan 2
In diesem gründungsorientierten Bachelorseminar erarbeiten Studierende in Gruppen eigene Businessideen und entwickeln diese zu Geschäftsmodellen weiter. Teil des Seminars ist das Durchlaufen des Design Thinking Prozesses sowie das Erlernen vom Aufbau und Inhalten eines Businessplans. Die Gründungsideen werden von den Studierenden in Form eines Pitchs präsentiert und als ausformulierte Version (Businessplan) abgegeben.
Weitergehende Informationen finden Sie in KLIPS (LV-Nr.: 14253.1106)
Dozentin: Judith Meder
Master Wintersemester
Build your own business (Seminar)
LV-Nr. 14253.1105
In the Winter Term, the Professorship in Entrepreneurship and Management offers a hand-on course on entrepreneurship! The course gives students insights into the digital transformation of corporates and enables the students to become an entrepreneur by developing new digital business models up to the design of a promising business plan and an investor pitch. It touches upon how to deal with the opportunities and challenges posed by current major trends such as big data, augmented reality, labor 4.0 or the internet of things and offers students the possibility to apply their acquired knowledge right away, by writing their own business plan for a digital business model. Students will learn from many examples and best practices.
After one introduction session, students gather in small groups to develop a business plan of their own business idea. Next to handing in the business plan in written form, students will also learn to present their ideas in front of an expert jury similar to investors which will give further feedback to refine the business idea. Evaluation is based on an individual written assignment, the business plan itself and the evaluation of the presentation in front of the expert jury. Participation is limited to 25 students. Application takes place via KLIPS, there is no need to hand in a CV or transcript of records.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Rainer Minz
For administrative questions, please contact Julian Rehazek
Master Sommersemester
Entrepreneurship (Vorlesung)
Lv.-Nr.: 14253.1104
This advanced entrepreneurship lecture covers four major topics:
- Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship
- Independent Entrepreneurship
- Corporate Entrepreneurship
- International Entrepreneurship
The goal of the lecture is twofold:
First, the lecture offers an overview of four “hot topics” in entrepreneurship research and practice. Second, students will learn how to systematically analyze and understand research papers. To gain in depth insights into current empirical research in the entrepreneurship field, several empirical studies will be discussed in detail. Specifically, the aim is to learn how empirical research papers are structured, to understand different empirical research approaches and methods, and to learn how to interpret and critically discuss research results.
Lecturer: Professor Dr. Christian Schwens
For administrative questions, please contact Ms. Gertraud Gänser-Stickler
Build your own business 1 (Seminar)
LV-Nr. 14253.1101
In the Summer Term , the Professorship in Entrepreneurship and Management offers again a hand-on course on entrepreneurship! The course gives students insights into the digital transformation of corporates and enables the students to become an entrepreneur by developing new digital business models up to the design of a promising business plan and an investor pitch. It touches upon how to deal with the opportunities and challenges posed by current major trends such as big data, augmented reality, labor 4.0 or the internet of things and offers students the possibility to apply their acquired knowledge right away, by writing their own business plan for a digital business model. Students will learn from many examples and best practices.
After one introduction session, students gather in small groups to develop a business plan of their own business idea. Next to handing in the business plan in written form, students will also learn to present their ideas in front of an expert jury similar to investors which will give further feedback to refine the business idea. Evaluation is based on an individual written assignment, the business plan itself and the evaluation of the presentation in front of the expert jury. Participation is limited to 25 students. Application takes place via KLIPS, there is no need to hand in a CV or transcript of records.
Lecturer: Professor Dr. Rainer Minz
For administrative questions, please contact Julian Rehazek
Build your own business 2 (Seminar)
In the Summer Term, the Professorship in Entrepreneurship and Management again offers hands-on courses on entrepreneurship! Each course gives students insights into the digital transformation of corporates and enables the students to become an entrepreneur by developing new digital business models up to the design of a promising business plan and an investor pitch. It touches upon how to deal with the opportunities and challenges posed by current major trends such as big data, augmented reality, labor 4.0 or the internet of things and offers students the possibility to apply their acquired knowledge right away, by writing their own business plan for a digital business model. Students will learn from many examples and best practices.
After one introduction session, students gather in small groups to develop a business plan of their own business idea. Next to handing in the business plan in written form, students will also learn to present their ideas in front of an expert jury similar to investors, which will give further feedback to refine the business idea. Evaluation is based on an individual written assignment, the business plan itself and the evaluation of the presentation in front of the expert jury. Participation is limited to 25 students for each of the two parallel courses. Application takes place via KLIPS (LV-Nr. 14253.1105), there is no need to hand in a CV or transcript of records.
Lecturer: Julian Rehazek